
Health Benefits of Marijuana

Top 10 Health Benefits of Marijuana & Weed

Cannabis has moved out of the grey area and into its rightful position as a part of a healthy approach...

The 5 Best Medical Marijuana Products for PTSD in Ohio

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder people develop after they experience...

5 Medical Marijuana Products for PTSD in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania took a massive step forward in April 2018 when the first dispensaries began service for...

The Top 5 Medical Marijuana Products for PTSD in Ohio

Most people experience at least one traumatic event or situation during their lifetime, but about 20...

How Medical Marijuana Can Help PTSD Patients in Louisiana

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious and sometimes debilitating disorder that develops...

How CBD andTHC Affect Our Response to Fear

Fear can make our bodies do all kinds of things: shiver, sweat, run, freeze, faint, even pee—all without...

What is Ayahuasca: Psychedelics 101

"There are all kinds of ways to challenge ourselves. Some people do it by climbing a mountain or...

What is Psilocybin: Psychedelics 101

After several decades of being ignored by mainstream society, psychedelic mushrooms, known as psilocybin,...

The Top 5 Medical Marijuana Products for PTSD in New York

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, affects about 8 million Americans. PTSD is a severe anxiety...

How Ayahuasca May Create More Meaning and Purpose in Your Life, and Stop Depression

"There are all kinds of ways to challenge ourselves. Some people do it by climbing a mountain or...

The Health Benefits of Breathwork for the Body and Mind

When someone is tense or angry, we often say, "Take a deep breath." And when we’ve escaped...

MAPS Founder Rick Doblin Talks Psychedelics, MDMA & the FDA

In pockets around the globe, people are becoming more attuned to the therapeutic benefits of psychedelic...
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