
A couple with their border collie, to illustrate holistic home remedies for pets

6 Holistic Home Remedies for Your Pet

Pet owners know the deal. We’ll go to any lengths to make sure our furry family members are happy and...

Why You Shouldn't Get Your Dog High

From relaxation to relief from chronic pain and many other conditions, marijuana has a host of benefits...

How Much CBD Is Enough to Help Your Pet?

A few years ago, the idea of giving your dog a little bit of cannabidiol (CBD) would’ve garnered a few...

5 Ways CBD Can Improve Your Senior Pet’s Life

As with our human family members, seeing a pet age can make us very sad. With age often comes: Joint...

CBD for Dogs

"Is there a way that dogs can consume CBD without raising serotonin levels? Specifically for dogs...

I saw the CBD dog treats for the nervous dog.

"Are CBD cat treats available?" Hi there! There is no difference between CBD for cats, dogs...

Keeping Your Pet Healthy With Hemp-Derived CBD

If you’re a pet owner, you know that sinking feeling when your furry friend just isn’t acting alright....

I'm trying to get a letter for CBD for my dog not for me. The Talk to a Doctor is making a card for me. Please advise.

Hi there! As much as we love dogs at HelloMD, I am afraid the basic information and medical history being...

CBD Dog Treats

"I have two dogs with differing arthritic diagnosis. One is a 65 lb lab and the other is a 110 lb...

How many treats...per bag...per dog?

"I have two dogs. A 65 lb lab and a 120 lb Mastiff/Rottie mix. How many treats do I give each dog...

Using CBD to Take Care of Your Pet’s Anxiety

Human beings aren’t the only ones who can suffer from anxiety: Your pet can get anxious, too. Dogs, cats...

what is the dosage for daily use for arthritis in a 12 lb dog?

Hi there! The dosing suggestions on the bottle suggest that you start with a small amount of tincture...
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