Growing at Home

Growing your own weed is a little more complicated than just planting seeds and adding water. Learn more about the ins and outs of cultivating flower at home.


How to Decarboxylate Cannabis

Many people don’t realize it, but there is an activation process necessary for the cannabinoids...
Marijuana plant, for growing marijuana at home

A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Marijuana at Home

Considering homegrown cannabis? Before you head to the store for supplies, it’s worth some research...
Hello3-min (37)

Importance of Male Cannabis Plants

In the world of cannabis cultivation, there’s no such thing as gender equality. Female cannabis plants...
Hello1-min (55)

How to Grow Marijuana at Home

Learning how to grow marijuana at home is as rewarding as it is exciting—it means you can have fresh...
crystalweed-cannabis-Qd37vTyByBs-unsplash (1)

How to Make a Marijuana Tincture

How to Make a Marijuana Tincture In this article we focus on how to make a cannabis-infused tincture. Tinctures...

How to grow your own weed, with a simple guide?

"Indica is more adaptable to long-term residential cultivation. … So, do you grow your own...

Is it known if aquaponics biofilm can be used for rooting clones?

"Do you know of any study in this area?"

How do Make A Marijuana Face Mask?

" Cannabis is an anti-inflammatory, a pain reliever and needs to be in your next DIY face mask....

How to Dry & Cure Your Homegrown Cannabis

With more and more states offering home-growing options for recreational and medical cannabis consumers,...

Legalization Encourages Sustainable Marijuana Farming

With legalization taking root in states throughout the U.S., many innovative sustainable farming options...

Unsafe Growing Practices Harm the Environment & Your Health

For about 50 years, California’s cannabis market was firmly rooted in the underground. Prior to marijuana...

How Growing Methods Affect the Cannabis You Consume

Indoors, outdoors or greenhouse—if you’ve been to a medical marijuana dispensary lately, you may have...
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