Kiva Confections


7 Cannabis Products for A Relaxing Night In

Feeling stressed? A chill evening might be what you’re craving. We’ve rounded up seven cannabis...

Marijuana Can Help You Lose Weight - with the Help of THCV and CBD

Historically, cannabis has been associated with laziness, confusion, and “the munchies.”...

The 6 Best Weed Brands in California

Always slightly ahead of the curve, California was the first state to legalize medicinal cannabis in...

4 Cannabis Microdoses to Enhance Your Holiday Party

Holiday party season is in full swing. And what better way to make sure your soiree stands out from the...

Cannabis Essentials for Your Summer Activities

For many, summer is synonymous with enjoying the great outdoors after a long winter. And one way to make...

Top 5 Cannabis Products to Help You Stay Asleep

If you’re one of the roughly 10 million Americans who rely on a prescription drug like Ambien or Lunesta...

Arthritis and migraines

"CBD (indica and sativa) tinctures have not worked at all for arthritis. How much is too much tincture?...

The HelloMD Holiday Survival Guide

’Tis the Season… The holidays are a mix of family, friends, laughter, expectation, warmth, drama, ups...

Top 4 Cannabis Edibles to Help Treat Insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia, you may have already tried vaping or smoking cannabis to help you get some...

Technical information about extraction

"When extracting, what method do you use? I’ve never seen strains on the product just THC...

What are some tips for storing Kiva Chocolate products?

We have put together a nice little storage guide to answer this question: We here at KIVA Confections...

Does KIVA plan to educate consumers with details that go beyond the very basic THC to CBD ratios per product?

"Current research points to the synergy between specific cannabis strains and particular ailments...
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