How do I register my medical cannabis recommendation with the State of California?
Hi there! To apply for the state Medical Marijuana Identification Card (MMIC) you need to apply with...
Is the Hello MD medical recommendation recognized by the State of California?
Absolutely. All of our physicians are licensed by California and the recommendations are recognized by...
Can I get a new California Medical Recommendation here?
Hi there! Yes, you can obtain a medical marijuana recommendation from a California-licensed physician...
Now in California it is legal to smoke cannabis. Is it legal to purchase cannabis from a dispensary?
Hi there, as of Jan 1, the state of California has made recreational marijuana legal. That said, depending...
Can I use an out of state ID?
"I moved from Virginia to California over the summer but I do not have a California license yet....
Can medical card from California cover Nevada?
Hello there. Medical cards are only valid in the state where they’re issued. Let us know if you...
Can I use this service in Texas?
"I am a 22 year old with hyperthyroidism, and a messed up left hip I have delt with for years. My...
Recreational Marijuana Is Going Legal Soon—What’s the Latest?
In just a few days, California becomes the next state to legalize recreational cannabis. Big changes...
is it legal to have a medical marijuana edible in a california airport?
Please check out this previously answered question that deals with the legalities of transporting or...
What are the rules for growing marijuana with a California medical marijuana card?
For personal use – "Qualified patients are exempt from the state permit program if cultivating...
Is cannabis legally available only in California?
"I live in Pennsylvania where medical marijuana is legal but not yet available."
No, California...
How can I get a medical marijuana card in Arizona I have one for California
"I need to know how to get a card"
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