How to Make Cannabutter (or Cannabis Butter)

How to make cannabutter, whipped final product

For people who want to cook with cannabis, making up a batch of cannabis-infused butter, better known as cannabutter, is one of the easiest ways to get started. Contrary to what most people believe, making your own cannabutter is quite easy as long as you follow the steps carefully. Below you’ll find two simple methods to try.

There are a couple of ways to make cannabutter, but regardless of the method, the key to making good a good cannabis-infused butter is to heat the cannabis slowly. Heat allows tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the component in cannabis that imparts the plant’s characteristic high, to properly decarboxylate. Decarboxylating shifts THC from its acid form to its more psychoactive counterpart and is necessary to access the plant’s benefits.

Below we outline two easy methods for making your own cannabis butter. (Once you decide on which method to try, keep reading for how to properly store your finished cannabutter.)

Method 1: Stove-Top Cannabutter

For this method, some people choose to use AVB (Already Vaped Bud, or cannabis that has already been used via a dry herb vaporizer). Vaporization doesn’t always decarboxylate THC completely but using the leftovers to make cannabutter is a great way to get a little extra use from your cannabis.


  • 1 lb unsalted, high-quality butter
  • 1 oz ground cannabis or 1 1/2 oz high-quality cannabis trim*
  • 1 cup water, plus more as needed

*Adjust amount of cannabis used for desired potency.


  1. In a large stockpot, combine water and butter over low heat.
  2. Allow the water to come to a simmer as the butter melts, adding water as needed and stirring frequently to prevent the butter from scorching.
  3. Once the butter is completely melted and the mixture achieves a smooth texture, add the cannabis.
  4. Continue to simmer the mixture on low heat for two to three hours, stirring occasionally. Don’t allow the mixture to boil.

Method 2: Cannabutter in a Slow Cooker

If you’re new to making cannabutter, you may prefer the slow-cooker method. This decreases the risk of burning the butter and ensures that the THC decarboxylates properly.


  • 1 lb unsalted, high-quality butter
  • 1 oz ground cannabis or 1 1/2 oz high-quality cannabis trim*
  • 1 cup water, plus more as needed

*Adjust amount of cannabis used for desired potency.


  1. Place the water, butter and cannabis in the slow cooker insert.
  2. Cover and allow the mixture to cook on low for 8 to 24 hours, stirring occasionally. The longer the butter infuses, the stronger you cannabutter will be.

How to Finish and Store Your Cannabutter

Try these tips below for finishing off and storing your homemade cannabutter. (And if your first batch didn’t turn out quite as you’d hoped, don’t get discouraged; you’ll get more adept at making it each time you try!)

1. Strain your cannabutter with cheesecloth.

For finer, silkier cannabis butter, pour the mixture through cheesecloth or a fine strainer to separate the plant material from the butter. Squeeze the plant material to rid it of all excess moisture before discarding it.

1. Store your cannabutter in a glass container.

After you’ve simmered your cannabis butter for the desired amount of time, strain it and pour it into a clean, sterilized glass container. This prevents the transfer of harmful plastic chemicals into the hot butter.

3. Allow cannabutter and water to separate.

Cover and refrigerate your cannabutter overnight before using it. This will cause the cannabutter to harden and separate from the water. Once this happens, you can remove the hardened cannabis for use and discard the water.

4. Soften cannabutter at room temperature.

Don’t use a microwave to soften your cannabutter, as this may damage the chemical compounds in it. It can also be tempting to try one of the quick-soften methods you find on the internet, but don’t risk undoing all the work you put in to making your cannabutter. Instead, allow the cannabutter to sit at room temperature before using it in a recipe.

A Note on the Color of Your Final Product

The color of your finished cannabutter has no bearing on its potency. It all depends on the type of strain of weed you use to make your cannabutter, as well as the level of chlorophyll. If your plant matter has more chlorophyll, you may find that your end result is on the greener side. Different batches using the same weed may also differ in colour, as the faster you heat your butter-cannabis mixture, the darker it will be.

If you’re new to cannabis or have questions, reach out to our team of experts. We’re here to help (free of charge!) so you can get the most out of your cannabis experience.


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