Whether you struggle to fall asleep, can’t seem to stay asleep or always wake up feeling exhausted, cannabis may be able to help.
Can I obtain a California medical marijuana card through your organization?
"I have prescriptions for insomnia (Lunesta, Valium) but have tried indica cannabis edible while...
What are the long term effects of daily cannabis use?
"I use edibles and tinctures for insomnia I am wondering if you know of any studies or have information...
Problem staying asleep, found a patch in CO that worked great. Why would patch work better than other methods
SInce I don’t know what the patch contains, its hard to know what it was. That said, a patch will...
chocolate edibles for sleep?
Satori makes delicious milk & dark chocolate edibles in several low dose options. If you are not...
What type of cannabis for chronic back pain?
"What products, dosages and ratios of THC:CBD do you find help you all through the day, all day...
I can't seem to get the same feeling from a vape pen as I do from smoking flowers - why? I'd prefer vaping
"I travel a lot and need cannabis to sleep but don’t want to carry. How can I find the right...
My diagnosis is "mild" cerebral palsy
"My diagnosis is "mild" cerebral palsy; some symptoms are like fibromyalgia. In addition:...
Can I purchase from you with an AZ MM ID?
"I have diagnosed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Endometriosis, Interstitial Cystitis and,...
Marijuana: It's Not Just About Getting Stoned
Sober or Drunk?
What if we only had two choices when it came to alcohol – sober or drunk? No tipsy,...
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