
Trouble staying asleep? Cannabis may be able to help

Trouble Staying Asleep? Cannabis May Be Able to Help

For some people with sleep challenges, the issue isn’t falling asleep—it’s staying asleep....
Cannabis for Sleep

4 Ways You Can Use CBD to Beat Insomnia

If you’ve ever had a bout of insomnia, you know how frustrating and exhausting it can be. But CBD...
Cannabis for Sleep

Cannabis for Sleep: What’s Better – CBD or THC?

Sleep is vital for good health, but for many people, the zzz’s don’t come easy. Read on for more about...

The 5 Best Cannabis Products for Sleep Disorders in Missouri

Sleep disorders can affect anyone at any age, even children. Whether you’re having a few sleepless...

The 5 Best Cannabis Products for Sleep in Pennsylvania

A good night’s sleep is key to good health. But although experts recommend getting at least seven hours...

The 5 Best Cannabis Products for Sleep in Illinois

Science tells us that getting a good night’s sleep is the key to staying healthy. But for many...

Top 5 Marijuana Strains That'll Make Your Day Brighter

The recent vaping crisis has injured thousands and killed as many as 52 people. Vaping Associated Pulmonary...
CBD Products to Help You Go Back to Sleep

3 CBD Products to Help You Go Back to Sleep

You’ve finally fallen asleep and are getting some much-needed rest—but suddenly you’re awake and can’t...
CBD Products to Help You Relieve Your Insomnia

3 CBD Products to Help You Relieve Your Insomnia

Insomnia—trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or feeling tired after waking—afflicts millions of Americans....

5 CBD Products for a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep problems may affect as many as 70 million Americans. Getting a good rest each night is key to good...

Addiction question

"My husband and I are trying a CBD/THC tincture 20 to 1 for pain management. We each started with...

What is most effective product for sedation?

"I am a 66 year old male, 170 lbs. I have some health issues including essential hyperteinsion,...
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