Culture & Lifestyle

Cannabis Tolerance Cleanse

Should You Do a Cannabis Tolerance Cleanse?

Learn about cannabis tolerance, how taking a break works, and tips for making it a positive experience.

3 Peach Recipes to Try Right Now

We've got a round-up of our favorite peach + cannabis recipes for you to enjoy!
Health Benefits of Marijuana

Top 10 Health Benefits of Marijuana & Weed

Cannabis has moved out of the grey area and into its rightful position as a part of a healthy approach...
Man sitting watching sunset

Using Cannabis for Wellness

Cannabis has been widely recognized for its medicinal properties, but its benefits go well beyond health...
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3 Infused Frozen Treats That Promise to Bring the Chill

From trendy artisanal flavors to grownup twists on summer classics, find cannabis-infused ice creams...
Cannabis-Friendly Summer Getaways

3 Cannabis-Friendly Summer Getaways

For many people, access to cannabis is an important consideration when planning a vacation; for both...
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10 Ways to Treat a Sunburn Naturally

A sunburn can make life pretty uncomfortable for a few days (or more!). Read on for ten natural ways...
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How Can Weed Support Weight Loss?

As marijuana legalization expands and research continues, more therapeutic applications for marijuana...

The Essential Holiday Gift Guide: 4 Experience-Based Gifts to Celebrate the End of 2020

As the holidays approach, we’re entering the gift-giving season. But, 2020 has been such an odd...

4 Experience-Based Holiday Gift Ideas for An Unusual Holiday Season

It’s the holiday season, and maybe you’re thinking about gift-giving. But, this is not an...

How Ayahuasca May Create More Meaning and Purpose in Your Life, and Stop Depression

"There are all kinds of ways to challenge ourselves. Some people do it by climbing a mountain or...

Good News: 5 Positive Outcomes from COVID-19

The popular “F*** 2020!” memes on Facebook or Instagram seem to have hit a collective nerve,...
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