Mental Health
Hello, will this help with relieving chronic headaches due to an automobile accident?
"I was in an auto accident about 2 years ago where I was rear-ended by a distracted driver at a...
Best quality CBD oil and dosage for anxiety m.
Hello there!
While I can’t testify to which CBD oil is best, I can advise on what to look for:...
Is this safe for my 16yr old who suffers sever social anxiety and depression?
Hi there!
That product is very safe. CBD has no known toxicity or psychoactive effects. Also, rather...
What Product is available for someone with Extreme Anxiety disorder that is so bad they can't and are scared to go to sleep because of terrible thoughts.
Hi there!
I think it would be more appropriate for you to schedule a consultation to make sure the "scared...
I have chronic migraines and anxiety ? Best strain ?
Hi there!
Unfortunately, there is no best strain for any condition: Anxiety type and intensity; migraine...
I am been battling panic and anxiety since I was 21. I am currently on lexapro 10mg. I was wondering if there are strains of cannabis that could help me so I can eventually come off of lexapro
Cannabis can be effective for anxiety. I would start with a whole plant, full spectrum CBD rich tincture...
Stress, anxiety CBD and a 1-1 is there an edible that I can microdose that will give a life with no tiredness during the day? I have
Hi there!
Everybody’s internal cannabinoid network (endocannabinoid system) varies from person...
Recommendations for anxiety :)
"Hello all. I’m currently taking flufluoxetine and Aurora CBD oil for my anxiety and depression....
Can someone recommend a high-cbd, low-thc strain/blend to treat anxiety and alcoholism?
Hi there!
For anxiety and alcohol urges, I would recommend that you first try very high CBD strains,...
Cancer, Anxiety, Pain, Depression & Cannabis vs Opioids
"I am trying to help my friend who has Stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma that has spread to the sinus/brain/frontal...
My dog has anxiety and is really emotional some times. Will this help?
"At present, vets can’t legally prescribe CBD to their animal patients in Canada, but CBD-infused...
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