Mental Health
Has anyone gotten relief from Tinnitus and Anxiety associated with Tinnitus from medical cannabis?
I’m sorry that you or your loved ones are being forced to suffer through tinnitus. Although there...
Strange anxiety and sleeplessness when taking any cannabis?
"I’ve always been a lightweight when it comes to substances. I could get drunk off of maybe...
Can I get medical cannabis for ADHD?
The fact that I have discovered here is that Cannabidiol aka CBD is most beneficial...
Anxiety. CBD only - no THC.
"I am currently on Zoloft and have been for a few years. Even though I am on it I have had panic...
My dog has extreme anxiety when I use my wood burning heating stove. Would CBD oil help with canine anxiety?
The anatomy of animals is not much different than humans which makes the ailments and treatments almost...
Medical guidance needed, CBD for Anxiety/Depression
"I suddenly started struggling with uncontrolled anxiety in mid November. Dr’s immediatly wanted...
Can I now get a medical marijuana card for my postpartum depression in NY?
Here is the list of approved conditions in New York State directly from the department of health. Unfortunately,...
3 Popular Questions About Marijuana & Depression Answered
Depression is something that the majority of us face at some point or another—according to the World...
Holistic Ways to Ease Depression & Anxiety
With the colder weather, shorter days and the holiday season, depression and anxiety always spike around...
SAD, Winter Solstice & Marijuana Products to Help You Deal
The Winter Solstice marks the official start of winter, which takes place this year on Dec. 21. This...
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