
I am am looking for a doctor for my PTSD, BiPolar Disorder. I also have DDD and suffer with arthritis and Nervous Stomach and High Blood Pressure. Will cannabis help me?

"I am 53 and I have been diagnosed with PTSD BiPolarDisorder and I have DDD and suffer with arthritis...

family member suffering from schizophrenia since 19

"1. My nephew has been battling schizophrenia since he was 19. He also has bipolar disorder. He’s...

Can I get a medical card in a state that THC is not legally available?

"I live in SC but have my epileptic, bipolar, ADHD son on CBD and I personally take CBD for both...

Is It Safe To Use CBD Oil While Nursing?

“I would like to keep using a CBD oil that does not contain any THC while breastfeeding. Does CBD...

Does Marijuana Help or Hurt People With Bipolar Disorder?

Cannabis is used to manage so many conditions that it’s only natural to wonder if it can help people...

Terpenes That Augment the Healing Power of Cannabis

The two most well-known components of cannabis are THC and CBD, but there are many more important compounds...
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