What's the best dosing & ratio of CBD to THC to wean off of anxiety medications?
"I’m currently on a low dose of the anxiety medication buspirone."
Hello! I would start...
Marijuana, Gut Health and the Brain
Feeling queasy about making a big decision; butterflies in the stomach before a big date; wondering whether...
3 Popular Questions About Marijuana & Anxiety Answered
There is so much to know when it comes to staying informed on how cannabis can help you treat a condition...
Top 5 Conditions Cannabis Treats Effectively
As cannabis is legalized in more states and countries, people are turning to this powerful plant to address...
When Marijuana Makes You Feel Anxious
The main reason many people use marijuana is to experience that relaxing euphoric “high” that drives...
Finding Peace in Turbulent Times
The eclipse this past week was an amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience. While peering through my glasses...
Can you develop a tolerance to CBD?
"I started vaping CBD April 12, 2017. It’s 550mg/15 mL. It worked wonders for my anxiety...
What do we really know about the risks of cannabis for psychological issues?
"I search through medical journals with regularity searching for consensus on this issue. Often...
Medical Marijuana for Herpes
What is Herpes?
Herpes comes in two forms, Type 1, which is oral herpes, and Type 2, which is genital...
How to Stop a Marijuana-Induced Anxiety Attack
Cannabis-induced anxiety is a common side effect when consuming marijuana. The same qualities that make...
Can I get a medical marijuana card for a medical diagnosis of depression and anxiety?
Yes you can! I cannot comment on your specific case, but we have many patients that come through with...
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