Medical Cannabis
Renewal card
"I just received my new medical card & it says to go on-line to verify the card using my 7 digit...
With recreational marijuana now legal in California, why should I pay to renew my Medical recommendation?
"Are there advantages to continuing to have a medical recommendation in CA ?"
This is a great...
Medical guidance needed, CBD for Anxiety/Depression
"I suddenly started struggling with uncontrolled anxiety in mid November. Dr’s immediatly wanted...
How do I register my medical cannabis recommendation with the State of California?
Hi there! To apply for the state Medical Marijuana Identification Card (MMIC) you need to apply with...
Is the Hello MD medical recommendation recognized by the State of California?
Absolutely. All of our physicians are licensed by California and the recommendations are recognized by...
Cannabis Clashing with Work
"I use cannabis sparingly in the evenings to aid my ailments and provide relief. I also use it for...
Can I get a new California Medical Recommendation here?
Hi there! Yes, you can obtain a medical marijuana recommendation from a California-licensed physician...
How much does it cost to obtain a medical marijuana card?
It depends on where you are located. Our doctors services are currently available for California and...
What's going on with sales tax and medical marijuana patients?
Hi there! The current taxes for cannabis are a 15% excise tax as well as sales tax. Every...
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