Medical Cannabis

Do I have to be a california resident to get a medical card

Need help to deal with father's pain related to spinal stenosis and arthritis.

" I have an 82 year old father who has both spinal stenosis and arthritis. His condition has continued...

If I have a medical marijuana card in

How do I get my medical cannabis card in Oklahoma?

Hello there! Unfortunately, it looks like cannabis is not yet medically legal in your state. Good news...

How much to speak with a dr regarding medical marijuana

Hydrocephalus in Ohio

"How do I get a medical Marijuana card for a minor who has water on the brain in Ohio? Ive been...

What is the current cost to renew my medical marijuana card?

Hi there! Please view this previously answered question on the subject: ashleigh how do I get a medical...

Is there a CA state issued medical cannabis card that exempts you from the new taxes?

"I just went to a dispensary in Santa Cruz and was charged 32% tax. The people there said the tax...

How to get a med card up to date?

How can I cancel my Med Card Continued

Can I get medical cannabis for ADHD?

" " Hello, The fact that I have discovered here is that Cannabidiol aka CBD is most beneficial...

How much dried flowers are you allowed to carry in your car with this medical recommendation?

Hi, Under Prop. 215, patients are entitled to whatever amount of marijuana is necessary for their personal...
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