Medical Cannabis
Do I need live video capabilities to receive medical marijuana recommedation?
Yes you do, as per CA state law there does need to be a video connection in order for the consultation...
What will de-scheduling (removal from all schedules) mean to the marijuana industry?
"In this case, cannabis will be like alcohol and cigarettes. How will the thriving medical / recreational...
My mother has arthritis and neuropathy, but she is not sold on the idea of medicinal cannabis...
"What would be a good way to bring up the benefits of medicinal cannabis?"
One way would be...
I struggle with sleep apnea and have a history of anxiety.
"I have a CPAP machine prescribe by my Kaiser docs, but often wake up with it and can’t get...
Why are other cannabinoids like CBG or CBN not often mentioned when talking about marijuana?
"You hear about CBD and THC all the time but not other cannabinoids. Do the other cannabinoids not...
Are these medical gummies available in New York?
Baked Bros products are currently only available in Arizona.
Furthermore, (at least as of January 16,...
Vaping Medical Cannabis
"I live in San Diego and I am wondering the cost of everything needed to vape medical cannabis?...
Breastfeeding and Cannabis Use
"I currently am still breastfeeding my toddler for naps, bedtime, and comfort nursing. I am wanting...
Do doctors legally prescribe medical marijuana?
"Why is it called a recommendation rather than a prescription?"
No. A physician can only prescribe...
What is the medical theory behind the new Explore product, and have you done any testing?
"I don’t mean safety testing, I mean efficacy testing to show that it works for the intended...
I live in a state that does not have legalized medical marijuana use how would I get it?
I guess it would depend on how badly you want to get it, and how much effort you are willing to undertake....
I am 17 am I still eligible for Medical Marijuana?
You may be eligible if you can find a doctor that will write a recommendation for you, along with your...
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