Medical Cannabis
Can you get a medical marijuana card in Iowa?
Iowa has a CBD-specific cannabis law that was passed in 2014. The only qualifying condition is intractable...
How do you get a medical marijuana card in New York state?
"What are the qualifying conditions?"
The best place to start would be here……
HelloMD Investors Webinar - Recorded
HelloMD Members. This week I presented our vision for creating the ‘Amazon of Cannabis’ – a big...
I have a concern about using medical marijuana and being a health care provider. What is the law?
While I am not an attorney, the law itself does not contain language that prohibits patients of a certain...
What do we really know about the risks of cannabis for psychological issues?
"I search through medical journals with regularity searching for consensus on this issue. Often...
I'm in Georgia, can I order "CBD RELIEF" from Jane's Brew site?
"I have a Georgia medical marijuana card."
Because these products are hemp-based (a strain...
Is there anyway to obtain medical marijuana if your state hasn't legalized yet?
The only legal way would be to travel to a state that has medical cannabis laws in place. For example,...
Can I obtain a California medical marijuana card through your organization?
"I have prescriptions for insomnia (Lunesta, Valium) but have tried indica cannabis edible while...
Can I get a medical marijuana card in Louisiana?
Good news, as of 2016 medical marijuana is legal in Louisiana! The bad news, the program is not yet operational.
Can medical marijuana legally be shipped to my state from another state?
"I have medical card from California, but live in a different state now. Can I order cannabis from...
How can I get medical marijuana in Indiana?
Unfortunately, Indiana does not have a medical marijuana program and does not recognize out-of-state...
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