
Legalized Civil Forfeiture Is Un-American

You’re at home, having an uneventful day when you hear a booming knock at your door. A glance out of...

Marijuana is now legal in Nevada for medical cardholders or not. What are the pros and cons of this system?

Hi, The 2013 Legislature passed Senate Bill 374 allowing Medical Marijuana in the state of Nevada for...

Is CBD oil legal in all states?

"Specifically, is it legal in North Carolina? I hear conflicting information." If the CBD...

I am from So Carolina (cannabis not legal) and visiting CA. Can I get a temporary medical cannabis card?

Is it legal to fly with thc/cbd topicals?

"I have a lotion that contains thc & another with cbd but I’m flying from Southern California...

What is the proper and legal way of storing medical marijuana?

It depends on your state laws regarding allowed medical marijuana forms and amounts for personal use....

Are universities now allowed to do cannabis research studies?

"Now that the DEA has loosened up the rules of letting more Universities to do scientific studies,...

Can I legally obtain CBD products in Idaho?

"I’m in Idaho and have no access to medical marijuana. I suffered a traumatic brain injury...

Can you get a medical marijuana card that can be used in any of the legal states?

"We are retired and travel so it would be ideal to just have one medical marijuana card that can...

Do I need to live in a state that is legal to use marijuana in order to purchase?

In order to purchase medical marijuana, you need to obtain a medical marijuana certification from a medical...

Does anyone know when this might become legal in Georgia and or Florida?

Florida and Georgia have passed medical marijuana laws but the laws are fairly strict and restrictive...

Florida Tries to Block Access to Medical Marijuana

Florida: What’s Happened to Date In November, 71% of Florida residents voted in favor of a constitutional...
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