

3 Popular Questions about Marijuana & Parkinson’s Disease Answered

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological condition that unfortunately doesn’t have a cure. Traditional pharmaceutical...

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"My brother was involved in a car accident years ago leaving him with a TBI. I have read that Cannabis...

New Studies Indicate Cannabis Helps With Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis, also known as MS, is a devastating autoimmune disorder that affects the brain and...
elixirs & edibles

3 New California Regulations Aim to Protect Cannabis Consumers

This past October, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law three unique bills making up the new California...

Cannabis Improves Your Sex Life – The Top 5 Reasons You Should Give Cannabis A Try

Some years ago I was decidedly anti-cannabis. It was for stoners, it sucked you into the couch like fly...

Medical Marijuana: Providing Spasticity Relief

People with certain neurological disorders or trauma often suffer from spasticity, which causes painful...
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