Health Conditions

Cannabis can be helpful in the treatment of numerous health conditions and their symptoms, ranging in severity. Read on for more about how cannabis may be beneficial for your specific health issue.

Hi.I suffer from severe Chronic psoriasis as well as slow progressive atrophy in my right leg due to nerve

"damage. Will Hemp CBD such as Mary’s Patches be of any help to me. I am on the East Coast...

Strovia Cannabis Lozenge Review

Why a Cannabis Lozenge? I talk to a lot of people regarding their cannabis usage and one thing that comes...

Stage IV rectal cancer needs what strain to help immune system fight fatigue and Herpes 2 oral symptoms?

Have you had chemotherapy? Chemotherapy kills cancer cells as well as damaging healthy cells and may...

I have Psoractic Arthritis and I want info on oil for my vape pen that will help control my pain

Vaporizing provides immediate relief and I would look for an indica or CBD rich variety. I might also...

My diagnosis is "mild" cerebral palsy

"My diagnosis is "mild" cerebral palsy; some symptoms are like fibromyalgia. In addition:...

Can I purchase from you with an AZ MM ID?

"I have diagnosed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Endometriosis, Interstitial Cystitis and,...

Beside anxiety, I get nerve pain due to type 2 diabetes, what kind of product do you recommend for this pain

We recommend our BALANCE or BALANCE+ vaporizers based on the patient feedback we’ve received....

My mom has back pain and she's borderline diabetic , I hear that cannabis oil can help with diabetes

Yes, cannabidiol (CBD oil) does show good results in helping stabilize the blood sugar and improves the...

Which vaporizer would be best to help with migraines?

Patients have primarily reported using either our Balance or Balance+ vaporizers for migraines, as well...

My wife has chronic pain severe and anxiety issues. What would you recommend? (something affordable)

So sorry to hear about your wife’s ailments. Patients have reported using a couple of our products...

Marijuana, Insomnia & Migraines: Liz's Success Story

Cannabis Success Stories After serving thousands of patients at HelloMD we have seen a pattern emerge:...

What is the best protocol for migraines?

Migraines are highly individual and not everyone is the same. I suffered from migraines for most of my...
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