Health Conditions

Cannabis can be helpful in the treatment of numerous health conditions and their symptoms, ranging in severity. Read on for more about how cannabis may be beneficial for your specific health issue.

Can you recommend the best cannabis oil to treat secondary estrogen positive breast cancer?

This certainly seems like a very scary question that you’re asking. Are you really asking for a...

Should I stop using cannabis oil if it's making my pain worse?

"I have breast cancer and have pain in my leg as a result. Whenever I use cannabis oil, my leg seems...

Can someone with kidney disease use a topical cananbis patch?

Many medications must be used with caution in kidney disease, because if the kidney doesn’t pass...

Will marijuana transdermal patches help with shoulder pain?

drraisen Topical products such as creams, lotions, balms, salves, etc. can have local pain-relieving...

I have diabetic nerve pain in my feet and hands is there anywhere in Oklahoma to get the patches recommended?

What is best naturally-derived tetrahydrocannabinols (THC) for my back pain.

"The naturally0derived THC that does not need a prescription." The THC molecule is the same,...

I started using CBD oil for chronic pain. Can it make pain worse for some users?

"I have tried different dosages, different brands, different times of the day as well as taking...

Can cannabis help with high blood pressure? And if so what kind of medication can be used?

Cannabis is not typically used to treat high blood pressure; however, if high blood pressure is partly...

Can I obtain a California medical marijuana card through your organization?

"I have prescriptions for insomnia (Lunesta, Valium) but have tried indica cannabis edible while...

Is there any information about using CBD for NDPH (New Daily Persistent Headache)?

"NDPH is a severe chronic (daily) headache condition that has shown to be very intractable to treatments....

What type of marijuana oil or tincture can you recommend for chronic migraines?

"And are their any contraindications with CBD’s and antidepressants( celexa)" I suffer...

Medical Marijuana for Herpes

What is Herpes? Herpes comes in two forms, Type 1, which is oral herpes, and Type 2, which is genital...
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