Multiple Sclerosis


How Cannabis Works to Protect & Repair the Brain

For decades, anti-drug campaigns have portrayed cannabis as a risky substance that not only opens the...

New Studies Indicate Cannabis Helps With Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis, also known as MS, is a devastating autoimmune disorder that affects the brain and...

i have never smoked cigarettes but have been smoking pot for maybe 8 yrs for my MS.

"I cough with all the vape pens I’ve tried. I smoke different stains a day to deal with my...

Could Lyme Disease Patients Find Relief with Medical Cannabis?

Lyme disease has gained a lot of attention in the media lately. Reality TV star and former model Yolanda...

Introducing Sava: a Premier Online Marketplace for Artisanal Cannabis Goods

I met Andrea Brooks, Founder of the newly launched Sava, at Chow a popular eatery in San Francisco’s...

Top 14 Marijuana Strains for Different Kinds of Pain

Two studies paint a grim picture of the American landscape when it comes to pain and pain management. According...

Cannabinoids and the Immune System

For those familiar with cannabinoids, their fascinating interactions with the human body are probably...

Retirees Flock to States with Medical Marijuana

In the past, choosing a state to retire in was based on several factors: how nice the weather was, how...

Medical Marijuana: Providing Spasticity Relief

People with certain neurological disorders or trauma often suffer from spasticity, which causes painful...

Easing Muscle Spasms with Medical Marijuana

A muscle spasm is a sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle. Anyone who has suffered through a “Charlie...

Medical Marijuana Sweeps the Country: How Does the Public Feel?

Two of the most conservative states in the United States, Texas and Georgia, recently passed medical...
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