

3 Popular Questions About Marijuana & Glaucoma Answered

It’s no secret that some folks who suffer from glaucoma or poor eye health turn to cannabis for relief—and...

How Does Cannabis Affect Your Eyes?

Studies find marijuana compounds cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) may actually be able...

3 Popular Questions About Marijuana & Seniors Answered

People may associate marijuana with a younger crowd, but more and more seniors are turning to the cannabis...

Top 5 Senior Conditions That Can Be Treated With Cannabis

In our golden years, we hope for a stress-free retirement, time to spend with family and maybe even a...

What should a 75 year old woman with several medical issues take?

"My mom is 75 years old with diabetes, glaucoma, cataract, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and...
elixirs & edibles

3 New California Regulations Aim to Protect Cannabis Consumers

This past October, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law three unique bills making up the new California...

5 Reasons to Get Legal and Stop Buying Marijuana from a Dealer

Are you so cozy with your drug dealer you send him or her Christmas cards? Maybe you’ve had this ongoing...

Introducing Sava: a Premier Online Marketplace for Artisanal Cannabis Goods

I met Andrea Brooks, Founder of the newly launched Sava, at Chow a popular eatery in San Francisco’s...

Medical Marijuana Preserves Vision and Reduces Glaucoma Pain

Glaucoma is a common disorder of the eye that affects three million Americans and is 40 percent more...
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