

DIY Recipe: Cannabis Infused Watermelon, Mint & Lime Popsicles

Popsicles for Summertime As we reach the peak of summer heat, all I seem to desire poolside are delicious...

Cannabis Tinctures: What They Are and Why You Want Them

When it comes to cannabis, there’s no single means of ingestion and, in cases where a specific dosage...

What would be the recommended ratio of CBD to THC in a marijuana tincture to alleviate chronic pain?

"Should I use a CBD:THC tincture of 20:1, 3:1 or 1:1? Thank you!" I have had alot of members...

5 Ways (Other than Smoking Flower) to Consume Marijuana

For many people, smoking flower is the first and only thing that comes to mind when they think about...

I've got a 20:1 CBD tincture for lower back pain. How many drops should I take?

you can contact the dispensary that you got the medication from. They would go over the dosage recommendations...

What type of marijuana oil or tincture can you recommend for chronic migraines?

"And are their any contraindications with CBD’s and antidepressants( celexa)" I suffer...

What are the long term effects of daily cannabis use?

"I use edibles and tinctures for insomnia I am wondering if you know of any studies or have information...

How can a make a tincture from marijuana oil or leaves for chronic pain

"How to make tincture from cannabis oil or dried plant" Please check out this link on our...

First time using a tincture

"My dr recommended a tincture for me. I purchased a tincture with the brand-name Honey B (100%...

Arthritis and migraines

"CBD (indica and sativa) tinctures have not worked at all for arthritis. How much is too much tincture?...

Edibles and Tincture Nausea

“I have used edibles before and have had pleasurable experiences with 10mg. Lately I have had the...

Trying to conceive

"Hello, I am a male (30 years old) and I am trying to conceive with my wife. I suffer from anxiety...
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