
I suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), would smoking marijuana help me focus?

Hello! Before answering, there would be a couple questions with which I would want clarification....

Can smoking marijuana cause bloating?

"Hi, I’ve had my MM rec for almost 5 years now, and have used it off and on for pain, anxiety,...

Hi. Can you recommend where to begin for chronic pain/fibromyalgia plus neck pain? Sensitive to meds and supp

"I’m new and tried medication/supplements but am very sensitive and nothing is helping so...

Arthritis and migraines

"CBD (indica and sativa) tinctures have not worked at all for arthritis. How much is too much tincture?...

Anxiety, depression, migraines and headaches. How can marijuana help?

"I have had anxiety and depression for 13 yrs. welbutrin worked well for me. I often get migraines...

How To Do a Cannabis Tasting

What’s Cannabis Tasting Cannabis is an extremely unique plant with many different flavors, smells, physical...

Are there any recent studies that measure health impacts of vaporizing vs. smoking?

"Does vaping negatively impact lung health?" This is the most recent study on vaporization...

How exactly do you use the vapeXhale vaporizer?

"I’ve only ever tried vape pens and smoking marijuana, but this seems like a healthier alternative." very...

Why do people vape instead of smoke marijuana?

"or other methods of ingestion" Vaping is great alternative to smoking because it does not...

Can Secondhand Cannabis Smoke Hurt Your Kids?

When it comes to cigarettes, we hear a lot about secondhand smoke, but it’s a topic that’s starting to...

Is testosterone breaking me out?

"I am a female, age 25, and I smoke weed daily). I believe the testosterone is breaking me out,...

I can't seem to get the same feeling from a vape pen as I do from smoking flowers - why? I'd prefer vaping

"I travel a lot and need cannabis to sleep but don’t want to carry. How can I find the right...
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