
Consuming marijuana every day pros and cons

Consuming Marijuana Every Day: The Pros & Cons

Daily marijuana use has both benefits and risks. Read on to learn how cannabis may help with pain, mood,...
Women smoking cannabis

8 Tips on How to Smoke Cannabis Without Coughing

Tired of cannabis cough ruining your session? Learn 8 easy tips to reduce throat irritation and enjoy...
What is cannabis shake?

What’s Cannabis Shake & Is It as Potent as Bud?

Cannabis shake is a raw form of cannabis that isn’t as common as flower or bud, but you’ll...

How to Roll a Joint

How to Roll a Joint It’s easy to roll your own joints, especially with the right grinder and a...

The Five Best Pre Rolls by Canndescent: Calm, Cruise, Connect, Charge, Create

There was a time when “rolling a joint” was one of the only ways to smoke cannabis, and the...

Discovering Cannabis Strains from Lesser-Known to Blockbuster Bud Equivalents

When it comes to medical cannabis, different people have different needs. Some might desire the sedating,...

How does weed help athletes?

" Do Athletes Smoke Weed? Can Athletes Smoke Weed?" CBD (in cannabis) is an anti-inflammatory....

Addiction question

"My husband and I are trying a CBD/THC tincture 20 to 1 for pain management. We each started with...

I smoke 2 bowls every day, how much water do I need to drink for it get out of my system in 2 weeks.

"Need to pass this UA" Hi there! Please keep in mind that the amount of water you need to...

Energy vs sleep.

"All my life smoking has ALWAYS given me energy. No matter what I smoke. Never been a sit still...

Consumption Methods Affect How Much Cannabis You Absorb

If you smoke or vape cannabis, you can feel the effects almost immediately. But you’ve probably noticed...

Can this be used "as is" or do you need a pen or battery?

"I’ve only smoked and consumed edibles. Never tried a vaporizer before. Thanks." Hi...
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