Consumption Methods
How can I avoid cotton mouth?
"Are there certain strains I can purchase that won’t give me this terrible side effect? I...
migraine headaches. She doesn’t want anything that she would have to inhale. . Any recommendations?
"I was at a gathering last night and a friend asked if I could recommend marijuana that would help...
Adverse reaction to Hash
"Last night I had an adverse reaction to Hash and had to go to the hospital. Nearly immediately...
How long do the Vape Pens last? Does it depend on the person and the interaction with their system?
I think you are asking how long you system will be affected after you smoke. If this is the case, then...
If living in California, can you purchase products in Oregon? I
"I bought a topical called Crystal Gardens Massage oil for my sciatica pain that worked well. I’d...
What sort of online courses does Green Flower offer?
Green Flower Media offer many excellent courses to view and to enroll in. They are all educational and...
If I am sleeping in a room with flowering plants will my detox be slowed?
To ask the obvious questions, what are you detoxing from, how many plants are we talking about and why...
5 Ways to Use Cannabis for Summer Skincare
DiDi Davis is Founder of Sweet ReLeaf, a topical cannabis manufacturer located in California. Sweet ReLeaf...
HIGH CBD vape or edible to order online.
"I’ve been living in SoCal that last 9 years and received my card from HelloMD just last year....
How is this extracted from hemp?
"What extraction process/method is used to extract the CBD from hemp?
Glad to see you only use medicinal...
Dosing Cannabis Edibles Safely
Jaene has been in the medical cannabis industry for years, and is currently a cannabis consultant at...
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