

How Much CBD Is Enough to Help Your Pet?

A few years ago, the idea of giving your dog a little bit of cannabidiol (CBD) would’ve garnered a few...

DIY Recipes: 3 Sparkling Cannabis Coolers

With summer comes a string of barbecues, pool parties and cookouts. You may be deciding on the perfect...

4 Cannabis Strains With Unique Cannabinoid Profiles

When it comes to cannabis strains, the options are just about limitless. There are a bunch of varieties...

How CBD Can Help You Get Rid of Athlete’s Foot

These days, people are living, working and playing in closer proximity to each other than ever before....
CBD Products to Help You Relieve Your Insomnia

3 CBD Products to Help You Relieve Your Insomnia

Insomnia—trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or feeling tired after waking—afflicts millions of Americans....

Can Cannabis Help With Hot Flashes?

Hot flashes are the bane of many women in their menopausal years. But while we most often associate hot...

Why Taking CBD Daily Can Help Reduce Your Anxiety

Lifestyle writer Kelsey Clark recalls her first experience with trying cannabidiol (CBD) to combat her...

5 Cannabis Products to Replace Your Morning Coffee

There are few things that can get your morning started quite like a cup of coffee. Sure, there’s the...

How Microdosing Cannabis May Help Ease Depression

Many folks say cannabis helps them feel better. For a while now, cannabis—and namely tetrahydrocannabinol...

4 CBD Products to Take on Your Next Flight

Maybe you heard the news that broke over Memorial Day weekend: The Transportation Security Administration...

DIY Recipe: Simple & Cooling Cannabis Açai Bowl

Who doesn’t love a good açai bowl? The only problem with this healthy treat is that it can get a little...

3 Popular Myths About Cannabis Busted

When a plant has been banned for close to a century on the basis of almost no scientific evidence and...
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