March 26, 2018

What can I take to pass a drug test for marijuana?

Hi! There are a few things you need to consider when it comes to what to take to pass a drug test. Please...

I have been asking the same question and it disappears and it is never answered. Help

Can you mix different strains for different health concerns throughout the day?

Hello! In general, yes you can take different strains of cannabis for different health conditions throughout...

did anyone receive my question?

I just went through the process of changing my husbands practioner through this site.

"Needles to say, it was a nightmare. I spoke to the nNYS specialist on the marijuana program and...

I just went through this process for my husband. He had already been registered under another practioner

"and it was a nightmare. The state specialist told me you do not have to start the patient over...

Would you recommend this product or a different one for a person with focal seizures?

Pure CBD products are most beneficial for seizures. In some cases it is believed that THC containing...

Are Marijuana-Infused Alcoholic Drinks a Good Idea?

As the medical and recreational cannabis industries continue to grow, new trends and products seem to...

Hello, where can i get a printable version of my rec?

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