Will this creme help ease pain of spinal stenosis & arthritis?

I am not sure what you mean by ‘this cream’ but in general cannabis topicals do help a variety of different kinds of localized pain and it is great as you won’t get high from a topical. There are a wide array of topicals on the market to choose from and one may work better than another, it comes down to what works best for you. I keep a topical on my nightstand and if I ever feel acute back pain it really helps!

This article describes a number of different topicals:

Cannabis Topicals Provide Relief for Sore Muscles & Pain


In 2013 I had emergency surgery for severe spinal stenosis- my spine was so impinged I was about to become paralyzed from the waist down. Following surgery I went on a "full cannabis" regime using topicals, edibles and vaporization. My surgeon told me I had the fastest, most complete recovery they had ever seen. I still have stenosis in higher vertebrae and I use topicals extensively to deal with inflammation and occasional pain. I believe that cannabis helps your brain and body to work more cohesively, and though there is no "cure" for stenosis, the pain and inflammation can be manged very effectively by using a variety of cannabis products in a "layered" fashion, particularly to aid with muscle relaxation during sleep.

Carole Brodsky

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