I started to take cbd oil and it has interfered with my armor thyroid medicine and I have become hypothyroid.

"Can I vape cbd or take less amount of cbd oil so it does not inteferes with my medicine because of the P450 enzyme?"

Yes, you can vape CBD oil.


Does vaping get processed through the liver also?


The interaction of cannabinoids and levothyroxine competing for metabolism in the cytochrome p450 pathway would most likely be a hyPERthyroid state, as more thyroxine would accumulate before breakdown. It may be that ingesting a CBD oil or similar preparation is impairing the absorption of the thyroid medicine from the GI tract, which could cause you to become hypothyroid by just not absorbing enough. Vaping CBD is an excellent way to take it, and would have the same metabolic consequences as ingesting it but eliminates problems from non-absorption. By the way, although cytochrome enzyme metabolism is relevant in cannabis, the difference between real world clinical effects and laboratory effects is more relevant. There is little or no clinical data re: significant effects on blood levels of common medications in ambulatory patients. I suspect unless extremes of dosage or other conditions are happening the competition for metabolic breakdown between cannabis and those medications is of marginal significance for most patients.


I use Armour Thyroid and I smoke a CBD oil, ratio: 55% CBD, 15% THC and 1% CBN. I use it often for my arthritis pain and heart palpatations. I have had to cut my thyroid med by half as my TSH was .5. I hope my next blood test will show it at around 1.5. You shouldn’t go Hypo with the combination. You should go to a more hyper state, if there is a bit of a conflict. Different Gender can make a big difference as other body hormones will affect the Armour’s absorbtion.

One of the other responses mentioned Levothyroxine, which is quite different than Armour. I would think that the interactions would be different. In my case it seems as though the Cannabis is causing better absorbtion. I have no way of verifying my reactions to the combination as we just don’t have enough research to point us in a useful direction, nor can you get a lab to test you for both….they wouldn’t have any guidelines.


I was on sythroid for many years. I had a total TT and been on NDT and cytomel. My digestion is better and appetite. But still have a lot of issue with bloating . I also have OA, DDD , gastropareis. I take CBD oil and an indica flower high THC at night. I am doing better since started on Natural thyroid meds. My TSH is finally stabilize. I also take digstive supplement and other herbs therapy.


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