September 11, 2018

Is there only one patch in the packet?

Hi there Yes, you are correct. There is one patch in each package, and each patch microdoses relief for...

What are the differences effects of a cbd tincture a vs. vaping?

Hi there! Tinctures – effects take 15 to 30 minutes to reach peak effect; effects last between...

What CBD product do you recommend for neuropathy?

Hello! CBD can be an effective treatment for neuropathy. I recommend to use a topical CBD on the skin...

Can someone recommend a high-cbd, low-thc strain/blend to treat anxiety and alcoholism?

Hi there! For anxiety and alcohol urges, I would recommend that you first try very high CBD strains,...

Will the patch stay in place during and after showering?

Hi there! I’m not sure. However, I imagine that it would. You can also put a large band-aid over...

Can this be shipped to Texas?

Hi there! HelloMD now offers a special selection of hemp-derived CBD products that are available for...

How do I reinstate my medical marijuana status after I have let it lapse?

Please click on Talk to a Dcotor from the top of our website and log in using the email address you used...

Which product is recommended to help with chronic lower back pain due to arthritis, stenosis and spasms, this product or the 1:3 ratio?

Hello and thank you for the great question,  (see the very last paragraph for the short answer) While...

Will this product help with chronic lower back pain due to arthritis, stenosis and spasms? Which product would be more effective this one or the 1:3 ratio?

Hi there! I answered this question right above. Here is more information and suggestions if you were...
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