April 10, 2018

Looking for the best high CBD product to help with OCD and anxiety. Prefer drops if there are any. Thank you

Hello, For OCD and anxiety, I recommend products with THC. Here are two recommended products: https://www.cbd.org/products/cbd-sublingual-drops The...

5 Alternative Approaches to Managing Painful Periods

Painful periods have plagued women of all backgrounds for millennia. Yet for something that’s so frequently...

Staff Picks: Our Favorite Cannabis Vape Products

Although smoking flower is still a common way to consume cannabis, vaping cannabis has surpassed smoking...

Is there a way to renew my mmj card for California, online?


How Does Cannabis Affect Your Eyes?

Studies find marijuana compounds cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) may actually be able...

does vaping


How to Get Your Parents to Try Cannabis

Talking to your parents about cannabis can feel like a daunting task. For many middle-aged and older...
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