December 28, 2017

im trying to get my friend a rec .

I haven't seen anything on the subject of pain. Did I just miss it?

is there an app?

Can I use this service in Texas?

"I am a 22 year old with hyperthyroidism, and a messed up left hip I have delt with for years. My...

Does my recommendation cover growing?

NY state medical marijuana certification does not include growing. According to you...

The Science Behind Why Marijuana Is Safer Than Opioids

Every day, more than 90 Americans die of an opioid overdose. Opioids are a class of powerfully addictive...

Renew Medical Rec?

"Should I renew my medical rec? Starting in 2018, I can walk into a dispensary and purchase what...

CBD dosing

“I am just starting to experiment with CBD. The product I have “Wonder MTC” is 25:1...

How can I get cannabis oil for the treatment of cancer?

There are no products on the market that purport to treat cancer–that’s because there is...
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