September 21, 2017

What strains help with depression and mood swings/stability?

This is a very tricky question b/c people’s reactions to cannabinoids are very unique. The first...

I just paid for renewal for Allan Kapua my name is Carol Picou his caregiver. Is there any thing else

I am a California Pharmacist and would like to be involved in the industry. Any suggestions?

Hello there! I dug up an article online that I think speaks to your question:

Do I need to decarboxalate my fresh high-CBD cannabis?

"I don’t want the high from the THC. Everclear is not available locally, can I use tequila...

Can marijuana help alleviate the side effects from chemotherapy?

"I have ovarian cancer." I think cannabis is definitely worth a shot. Many chemotherapy patients...

Is there a THC to CBD dosage ratio chart for various illnesses?

"Specifically, cancer, depression, anxiety, joint pain? " There isn’t a specific dosing guideline...

5 Popular Marijuana Podcasts to Check Out

Podcasts have been steadily gaining popularity over the last few years with ever-growing online audiences...

I'm having some severe vocal problems. Some kind of muscle tension in my throat. Can cannabis help?

Medicinal cannabis may be helpful for muscle spasm in a variety of scenarios, most notably in Multiple...
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